No matter who you are – whether an employer, HR professional or simply an ordinary citizen – disability services Melbourne awareness can be spread to your circle by using your power for good. Whether that means encouraging fellow peers to broaden their thinking on disability beyond basic awareness levels, or using your voice to promote National Accessibility Month and similar initiatives – use it!
Educate Yourself
Advocating on behalf of those with disabilities requires more than simply knowing it’s illegal to discriminate against them; becoming an advocate requires an in-depth knowledge of all the various forms of disabilities and learning how to become an effective ally.
Discover various disabilities by reading books, watching videos and listening to podcasts. Join a support group or attend events hosted by organizations dedicated to disability awareness – many health-related organizations host disability awareness months throughout the year.
Consider what language you use when speaking about disabilities, particularly online use. Try to avoid using any terms which are considered ableist and learn what words disabled people prefer instead. If unsure, seek clarification from disabled people. When creating content online for use on multiple platforms such as social media sites such as blogs or newsfeeds, be sure to consider accessibility using tools to check for accessibility compliance with accessibility standards rather than just meeting minimum compliance levels – then share this knowledge so others may become informed as well.
Support Charities
At a time when attitudes toward minorities are changing positively, it’s crucial that we demonstrate our support for such change by supporting charities with disabilities. One way of doing this is through donation.
Disability service agencies depend heavily on fundraising events for money to support their work, whether that involves holding an auction, golf tournament, bake sale or another charitable activity that enlightens attendees about what the agency does and fosters relationships that could become donations or volunteers in the future.
Best Buddies creates friendships by pairing individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD or DD) with typically developing peers, helping these individuals build social skills, find employment or housing options and take part in community service activities. You can support them here.
Sign Petition
Petitions can be an effective way to draw attention to an issue or demand. A petition sends the message that you’re serious about what you want and won’t stop until your goals have been achieved. With enough support behind you, the recipient may take action in your favor or offer concessions.
Be careful when signing any petition. Careful consideration must be given when reviewing its terms, particularly its fine print. Furthermore, pay special attention if those spreading it have a negative attitude toward those with disabilities.
Distributing your petition throughout your community is an excellent way to spread support for your cause, particularly among groups that already believe in what you stand for. If possible, host an event at which people gather-this will allow more effective distribution and more direct reach of target audiences. It also creates an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about disability-related issues which might not otherwise have been known about.
Take Action
Change society’s attitudes about disabled people takes more than just awareness – it requires direct action such as supporting charities and donating when you can. Participating in campaigns that advocate disability rights and equality is also a useful way of contributing.
Disability etiquette training is another effective way of helping employees understand and empathise with those living with disabilities. Companies should consider making this mandatory training, particularly for anyone serving in management or supervisory roles.
Disability awareness teaches us not to stare or avoid disabled people and that they deserve equal treatment, while our lack of awareness surrounding these basic tenets may lead to ignorance, ableism and cruelty. Therefore it’s crucial that we learn more about disability issues so we can support causes which make the greatest impact; one such way is learning about accessibility standards so businesses go beyond mere compliance to provide accessible facilities for customers and employees alike.